Our Vision

Our Vision

Are You Ready?

The vision of the Company, through its website, clothing, books and music, is to promote a lifestyle based on Jesus’ command to us in Luke 12:40 . . . “therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

Jesus is calling us to live a life of readiness in Him moment by moment and day by day. If we do as He commands, then when we are called home, the moment by moment dots of our life will have been connected in a way so that our divine and unique purpose will have been lived out for His honor and for His glory.

A life full of real meaning and eternal value.


We face the question of readiness daily in our lives. The concept of readiness is not just relevant to the surfer being towed into a 50 foot wave in Hawaii or the snowboarder free flying off a 1,000 foot precipice but is applied in almost every other analysis before we take any action to do anything. Whether one is getting ready to take a walk down the aisle for a lifetime marriage commitment or about to enter the doctor’s office to hear about lab test results or to take a math test, we ask ourselves, “Am I Ready?”

Where the consequences of an action are minimal and the probability of failure low, little preparation may be necessary, but for the largest decisions of our life, just the opposite is true.

We must ask ourselves, how prepared are we to answer the most important question we will ever have to answer . . . “Am I ready to meet and stand before the One who made me . . . Jesus Christ?”

Through its’ merchandise portals and website uploads, the Company will devote its efforts to helping believers develop a deeper understanding of who Jesus is to them personally and how, by pouring Jesus through the matrix of their lives, moment by moment and day by day, they can be assured that at the end of their walk on this planet they will have lived the life God intended for them. They will hear the words all believers long to hear some day . . . “Well done good and faithful servant. Welcome in to what the Father has prepared for you. . . “

As believers, our choice can be to slide in “safe at home” or we can choose to try to fulfill our divine purpose. The difference between the two extremes is where we work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

The Company will also devote its efforts to promote discussion about readiness with those who are yet unsaved and what events of life are worth getting ready for and if they are, how would Jesus call them to be ready.

The non-threatening salutation to the world by its corporate statement and its logos allows believers to share their faith and articulate their beliefs. It’s a fact that the more we share, the more we ourselves come to own what we believe. If the mission of Are You Ready? is fulfilled, then a believers’ faith, trust and hope in Jesus Christ will have been deepened and non-believers’ minds will have been prodded about the most important questions they need to ask themselves. Hopefully they will ultimately settle on the fact that Jesus Christ should be the true center of their lives.

Our hope is in something far greater than words can really ever convey. While we are here seeking to live meaningful lives with our eyes fixed on Jesus, we sustain one another through the inevitable trials of life by our encouragement to one another of the Hope we hold fast to and the gentle reminders that it is not who we are but Whose we are.

This world is coming at us at a faster and faster pace. We are forced to absorb and respond to information at a rate 100 times greater than a generation ago. Keeping up with all of it can be mentally and physically exhausting.

We still have though every day, an opportunity to step off the treadmill and step aside with Jesus on a quiet path and feel His presence and His storm calming ways. We can take the time to respond as Jesus Himself would in the major decisions of our life and in all the little details as well. We can look to Him and partake of Him so that we can find and experience the peace which passes all understanding.

Out of order or in His perfect order . . . the choice is as much ours today as it was 2,000 years ago.

We need not fear this world.

We need not be overwhelmed by this world for we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ who strengthens us.

We are here and now and we are living according to His perfect timing. With this time we have been given, let us expend that time wisely through all activities of our lives and through the different phases of our lives in a way that continuously finds us ready at any moment to meet and embrace our King!

“. . . in this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer as I have overcome the world . . . “